
作者:来源:时间:2024-09-29阅读:博彩译文 [收藏]






  The Gambling Act of 2005 repealed the Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Act of 1963, the Gaming Act of 1968 and the Lotteries and Amusements Act of 1976. It implemented a new system to regulate gambling in the UK, with a premium placed on gaming fairness, crime prevention within the industry and keeping vulnerable adults and children safe from the effects. It also addressed the issue of the growing Internet market.

  The Gambling Act does not cover the National Lottery (managed by the National Lottery Commission) or sports betting (governed by the Financial Services Authority)。

  Fully operational as of September 2007, the Gaming Commission will issue licenses for both land-based and Internet gambling companies. Unless declared otherwise, all remote gaming licenses will remain in effect for an indefinite period of time. As of March 2007, the Remote Online Gaming Tax was set at 15%.

  The Gambling Act of 2005 paved the way for even larger casinos to be built, although the plan was to build one every few years. Numerous cities throughout the UK placed bids on a Vegas-style super casino, including Blackpool and Manchester. Manchester was eventually selected, and it was expected to bring in 265 million Pounds in investments and create 2,700 new jobs.

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